Intercultural Awareness Leading Multicultural Teams

Concept: As a result of globalization a lot of companies extended their operations to different parts of the globe outside of their “home base”. It is common for the national companies to have suppliers and/or customers abroad. Today it is just normal to have interactions with people from different cultures on a daily basis. Though how good are you to leverage all the opportunities presented by those multicultural environments ? (or at least) Can you avoid any misunderstandings ?

In these 2 sessions participants will learn the basic concepts around what are the cultural differences, if we can understand/measure them, how can we utilize those differences in multicultural teams. It is designed to be an experience sharing opportunity among participants by help of break-outs and exercises.

Duration: 2 half day sessions, can be done in 1 or 2 days

Target group: Anyone who is working in an international company, or starting to work/live in a multicultural environment,     recommended for those who are in leadership roles of multicultural teams

Format: Theory combined with interactive discussions and exercises to practice methods & tools.

High-Level Flow

SESSION I: Intercultural Awareness

  • What is “culture”? Traditional vs. Modern definitions
  • What are the cultural differences?
    • High context – Low context
    • Importance of Past-Today-Future
  • Can we understand / measure those differences?
    • Role of time (mono vs. polychrone)
    • Hofstede’s 6D model (Power distance – Individualism – Masculinity – Uncertainty avoidance…)

SESSION II: Leading (or surviving) a Multicultural Team

  • Seeing similarities & leveraging differences

Certification   : At the end of each training participants will receive a printed Certificate of Attendance.